About us

Presto Instruments is a Sydney based musical instrument hire company founded by musician Alex Bieri and music education specialist Leanne Dellit.

Alex Bieri

Alex Bieri

Alex Bieri is a professional classical trumpet player, performing regularly with the Australian Opera and Ballet orchestra and The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra.

Has has a strong background in teaching and running concert bands in primary schools around Sydney.

She founded The Music Partnership in 2004 which runs band, string and instrumental music lesson programs across inner Sydney.

Learn more about the music partnership: http://www.musicpartnership.com.au

Leanne Dellit

Leanne Dellit

Leanne Dellit has a strong background in finance. She worked for HSBC and CBA for many years before having her 3 beautiful children. Leanne founded Presto Instruments with Alex Bieri in 2015. Leanne is the head of our accounts and logistics team.